
Primary Care Enhanced Access Patient Survey
Tolson Primary Care Network which represents 8 GP Practices in Huddersfield would like to find out more about your views on improving access to health services in the mornings, evenings and at weekends.
By completing the survey, you have the opportunity to tell us:
- How likely you are to use appointments in the mornings, evenings and at weekends.
- The kind of services you might want to use in the mornings, evenings and at weekends.
- Where you would be willing to travel to access appointments in the mornings, evenings and at weekends
We will use the information you provide to help us look at expanding the number of appointments and service, and the times of day they happen. We will also use your information alongside other evidence we gather and what is happening nationally. All this information will help us determine whether additional opening hours and services are needed in your area.
We want to gather as much input as possible.
This survey is now closed. Thank you for your input.
National Patient Survey Results 2022
The National Patient Survey Results for 2022 are now available here
The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over two million people across the UK. The results show how people feel about their GP practice.
On that website you can view your practice's results and compare them to other practices in the area and previous year results too.
The results need to be taken with a pinch of salt, just because of the low response rate (less than 30% of surveys were returned).